Valentine Violence
Hardcore / Beatdown met Becoming A.D., Haywire en Rival Pack
Betoverende klanken en onverwachte wendingen: Mo Bedick neemt je mee op een psychedelische reis.
Deuren open: | 20:30 |
Start: | 21:00 |
Einde: | 00:00 |
Mo Bedick, the name might confuse you in thinking about the dusty old novel written by Herman Melville. But, don’t be fooled, Mo Bedick is anything but dusty. This band is redefining psychedelic indie music with great ambitions. Inspired by the greatest hits of shoegaze, psychedelic rock, hip hop and future jazz, Mo Bedick will hypnotize it’s listeners with unique and enchanting melodies, creating a Disney-like feeling. And as we know from Disney movies, there is always an unexpected and complex turn of events. Mo Bedick doesn’t seem to be unfamiliar with this concept, as deadly rhythms and razor-sharp riffs can unexpectedly crush your dreamy state of being in a heartbeat.
Concerten zijn toegankelijk vanaf 12 jaar. Voor meer informatie mail naar info@so-what.nl